This article will explain some of the common issues involved in a car accident and will help you enforce your rights if you are injured. There are many different categories of automobile accidents.
Rear end collisions are the most common types of auto accidents. For instance, in 2019, about 1.7 million rear-end collisions took place in the United States.
Of these nearly two million accidents, about 1,700 people died and another 500,000 suffered injuries.
Consequently, this makes rear end car accidents a top contributor to all highway accidents, injuries, and fatalities nationwide.
What Causes Most Rear End Collisions?
- The most common explanation for a rear end crash is the driver in the rear is driving too closely to the vehicle in front.
- Distractions also can lead to these accidents – most often, using a cell phone, talking to passengers, or adjusting the radio.
- Driver inattention is generally at the heart of most rear end collisions.
- Speed can also play a role in these situations, as it takes longer to apply the brakes the faster you are going.
- Inability to brake in time can result in a rear end collision.
If You are Involved in a Car Accident, Do the Following:
- Check for injuries:
Even a low-speed, rear end crash can cause many injuries, like broken bones, facial lacerations, soft-tissue damage or spine injury. Minor soreness right after a crash could turn into a severe injury after few days. For that reason, it is always wise to opt for an examination from a medical professional after an accident, if you feel you are injured.
- Document property damage:
Take pictures of your vehicle and the one that hit you. Also take photos of the road conditions as soon as possible after an accident. Take wide angle photos of the cars’ positions on the road before they move. Also take up close pictures of vehicle damage. If in doubt, photograph it.
- Obtain police report:
Your claim benefits from having a copy of the police report. If the other driver was negligent, it is likely noted in the police report.
- Contact insurance company:
In the event of a collision, it is important to give your insurance company all the information it needs as soon as possible. If you were hit by another vehicle, make sure to get their insurance information.
What Injuries Can Happen From a Collision?
- Spinal Injury – The most common injury from a collision is spine injury. Spine injury occurs when the head is rapidly jerked forwards and backwards. It may result in neck pain and stiffness. Always consult your doctor to determine the severity and necessary treatment.
- Broken or Fractured Bones – It is not uncommon for a driver to suffer from breaks to their wrists and arms. This is typically because they are gripping the steering wheel very hard when the collision occurs.
- Death – Wrongful death of a driver and/or passengers is an unfortunate reality of car collisions.
What Determines the Final Compensation If I Seek Legal Help?
There are several different factors that contribute to the final value you are awarded. Here are some of the factors affecting compensation when looking at car collision awards:
- Vehicles: If the vehicle struck is much smaller that the following vehicle, this can cause more severe damages. Semi-truck incidents where a trucker rear-ends a smaller car is an extreme example of high damage associated with this.
- Gross Negligence: If the collision was a result of gross negligence and led to serious damages and injuries, courts then are more likely to award higher damages, if the offending driver can be shown to be careless and driving too fast.
- Speed: Even small vehicles can cause serious damages to larger ones if the driver is speeding. Speeding is also often tied to negligence, which may increase damages.
- Injuries: The more severe a person’s injuries, the higher the likelihood of obtaining significant damages. Insurance companies value claims by how serious the injuries are.
It is also important to contact an attorney familiar with auto cases as soon as possible if you are injured in a car accident. An attorney can protect your rights.
Kronberg Law Firm has handled many such cases and we know how to protect your legal interests and achieve justice for you.
Please call or text us at (973) 204-6573 for a free initial consultation.